Los Angeles County Jail Plan

Project overview

The County of Los Angeles selected Vanir to provide a jail master plan, assessing the current state of its jail system, forecasting needs, developing options and determining the cost and schedule for the improvements. Central to this master plan was the development of a 4,800-bed Consolidated Correctional Treatment Facility (CCTF) for inmates with medical and mental health issues. Vanir worked with numerous County departments, stakeholder groups and specialized consultants, applying knowledge in custody management and state-of-the-art treatment programs.

Defining Correctional Healthcare

In recent years, the priority for corrections has shifted from incarceration to healthcare, programs and anti-recidivism efforts. Vanir’s approach to the jail plan focused on treatment while maintaining necessary security measures. A key aspect of the plan was minimized circulation and logical adjacencies. By eliminating corridors and wasted space, we created an efficient and functional space at a reduced construction cost.

A key component of the jail plan was phased construction, allowing the facility to function as swing space before demolishing a portion of the existing central area. The Vanir jail plan for the new CCTF will serve as the guideline for a state-of-the-art facility, designed to provide mental health and medical treatment, ultimately reducing the rate of inmate return to custody.

Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Square Footage
2,750,000 SF
Construction Cost
$1.74 Billion
Start Date
Completion Date