Lamar Consolidated Independent School District

Program overview

Vanir, in a joint venture with Rice & Gardner Consultants, served as the program manager for the 2014 Bond Program for Lamar Consolidated Independent School District (CISD). Our team managed all aspects of the planning, design, procurement, construction and close-out for all projects and reported directly to the superintendent and Board of Directors. The scope of work included:

  • Five new elementary schools and one new middle school
  • Three natatoriums, high school baseball complex improvements and additions to two high school band facilities
  • New support services facility for maintenance and operations and a renovated/expanded facility for purchasing, foodservice and graphics arts
  • Water plant upgrades at one high school and replacement of chillers at six schools
  • HVAC web-based controls at 28 facilities
  • Driveway/parking upgrades at elementary schools

Latest in technology for program delivery

Our initial task was to find the best real-time reporting system for Lamar CISD’s bond program, that would serve the District’s needs for the long term. We led the procurement, implementation and training for eBuilder, an advanced program management software that provides document controls, cost analysis, workflow processes and easy access for District stakeholders for all project information.

Rosenberg, Texas
Lamar Consolidated Independent School District




Program Size
810,000 SF
Program Budget
$196 Million
Start Date
Completion Date