Project overview
As the first major county construction project undertaken in 30 years, Gillespie County was looking for an expert to serve as a go-to resource — an advocate who could lead the effort for a state-of-the art jail that would meet its needs for the next 30 to 50 years.
Vanir served as the owner’s representative/construction manager to the County for the construction of a two-story, 96-bed jail (capable of expanding to 144 beds). It is located on two acres, with the jail and related-support facilities on the first floor and a combined City/County communications center, courtroom, adult probation offices and emergency operations center/training room on the second floor.
A significant objective that we were able to assist the County in achieving was passing the Texas Commission on Jail Standards’ occupancy inspection on the first attempt. The project team created a preliminary inspection checklist and we followed it to verify that all systems and components were addressed. Vanir was proud to return more than $120,000 in project savings to the County.