Photo Credit: Peter Tata

Gillespie County Jail

Project overview

As the first major county construction project undertaken in 30 years, Gillespie County was looking for an expert to serve as a go-to resource — an advocate who could lead the effort for a state-of-the art jail that would meet its needs for the next 30 to 50 years.

Vanir served as the owner’s representative/construction manager to the County for the construction of a two-story, 96-bed jail (capable of expanding to 144 beds). It is located on two acres, with the jail and related-support facilities on the first floor and a combined City/County communications center, courtroom, adult probation offices and emergency operations center/training room on the second floor.

A significant objective that we were able to assist the County in achieving was passing the Texas Commission on Jail Standards’ occupancy inspection on the first attempt. The project team created a preliminary inspection checklist and we followed it to verify that all systems and components were addressed. Vanir was proud to return more than $120,000 in project savings to the County.

Most of the credit for achieving the success of this project belongs to Vanir…our Commissioner’s Court truly feels that we would not have achieved the positive cost and schedule results if Vanir had not been representing the County.

– Mark Stroeher, Gillespie County Judge


2016 CMAA North Texas Chapter – Project Achievement Award, Buildings, New Construction, Projects Less Than $25M

Fredericksburg, Texas
Gillespie County

Primary: WHJ Architects

Secondary: SKT Architects


SEDALCO Construction Services

Square Footage
47,784 SF
Construction Cost
$11.9 Million
Start Date
Completion Date