Swee Oh Photography

Fremont Unified School District – John M. Horner Middle School

Project overview

As part of the Measure E Bond Program for Fremont Unified School District, the John M. Horner Middle School project involved a complete redevelopment and expansion of the existing junior high campus (seventh and eighth grades) to accommodate a sixth-grade population. Vanir served as the program and project manager and provided a senior construction manager to address the District’s needs, ensuring the project was completed on time and within budget.

The project included the construction of:

  • Two-story classroom structures (two) and a single-story classroom structure
  • Administration, multipurpose, classroom and locker buildings
  • Associated site work, landscaping and hardscaping
  • New track and field, hardcourts and baseball field
  • Underground utility work and connections

The campus remained fully operational during construction. Utilizing the existing playfields to accommodate the construction of the replacement campus, we eliminated the need for interim housing. After the new campus was completed, the existing buildings were demolished and new playfields were constructed.

Fremont, California
Fremont Unified School District

SVA Architects, Inc.


McCarthy Builders, Inc.

Square Footage
112,500 SF
Construction Cost
$81 Million
Start Date
Completion Date