Central Unified School District – Justin Garza High School

Project overview

Vanir served Central Unified School District during the construction of its new 231,734-square-foot Justin Garza High School. Our role involved performing monthly schedule reviews, time impact analysis (TIA) services and commissioning. The campus consists of nine buildings, including three academic classroom buildings, an administration building, a gymnasium, locker room, food service facility and campus mall.

The Vanir team’s services included:

  • Reviewing/evaluating TIAs (for reasonableness), logic models, project sequencing, constraints and methodology, changed conditions and scopes of work, assumptions/inconsistencies, concurrent delays, staffing and production rates, etc.
  • Preparing/distributing monthly construction schedule updates
  • Generating a report reflecting actual progress as compared to schedule progress, to be used as the basis for determining implementation of the District’s financial prerogatives, if required

“Vanir’s project champion is impressive, overseeing multiple projects under his direction and still being focused on our project.”

– Central Unified School District Staff Members
Fresno, California
Central Unified School District

SIM-PBK Architects


Harris Construction Company, Inc.

Square Footage
231,734 SF
Construction Cost
$100 Million
Start Date
Completion Date