Photo Credit: HDR Architecture, Inc.

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Program Management Services

Program overview

California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) awarded Vanir to provide program management services, assisting the CDCR in managing the planning, design, construction, expansion and renovation of state prison facilities—to meet its infrastructure, healthcare treatment, inmate housing and reentry needs. Our services include master planning and program, project and construction management.

While the CDCR construction program has historically involved the construction of prison facilities using Standard Design documents and Department Design and Construction guidelines, it more recently has broadened its focus to include programs for the construction of healthcare facilities, infill housing, reentry facilities and infrastructure projects. Such programs have required more expansive planning assessments and programming and not only involve new construction, but also the expansions and renovations of existing correctional facilities.

Progress as of summer 2020

We’ve successfully added over 3,500 healthcare and custody beds and improved healthcare (medical, dental and mental health facilities) at 34 adult institutions across the state. Services have included:

  • Updating ADA accessibility to meet current standards
  • Improving infrastructure and support facilities
  • Supporting the reduction in energy costs with planning support for renewable energy generation and electric vehicle fleet charging station projects
Throughout California
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation




Program Size
34 Institutions
Program Value
$3 Billion
Start Date
Completion Date